Sunday, January 17, 2010

starship troopers done wrong again

My sister asked me to go see a movie with her and her husband tonight. They decide to go see the must see movie of the Christmas holiday, no not Sherlock Holmes. That would have been amazing. If you haven’t gone and seen Sherlock Holmes you are an idiot. I mean that in the meanest way possible, because it’s that good of a movie, plus I do have a little man crush on Robert Downey Jr. It’s totally cool, so don’t bring it up. Well I’ve gone off topic. Sherlock Holmes is the best, just go see it. I totally get it if you can’t. Back to the subject, I was talking about the movie I saw this tonight. The movie people are raving over, Avatar.

What can I say about Avatar, that hasn’t already been said? It’s EPIC! Did you see how I capitalized all the letters in epic? That’s how epic it was. On the plus side it wasn’t so EPIC I fell asleep in it. No sir, it’s no Lord of the Rings boring. I fell asleep in all three movies, the first two at the theater and the last one at home. I can’t say I’ve seen all three movie all the way through. Mind you I did go in the middle of the day to see them so I wouldn’t be tired. I’m off topic again. Let’s talk Avatar. The special effect blew my mind away! The world they created was so awesome. The creatures were amazing. I loved the creatures they flew on. Awesome. I actually would have preferred if the movie was all about those flying animals and their riders, but then it wouldn’t have been EPIC and everyone would be sad. We need EPIC! It’s like in King Kong, the Jack Black one, where Kong fights three t-rexes. That was an awesome scene, but the rest of the movie I could do without. In fact they should make an hour and a half movie about Kong fighting t-rexes and that’s it. I would see that movie at least ten times in the theaters. I’m way off topic again.

Avatar was a good movie. I could feel the almost three hours on my butt though. It hurt by the end of the film. I felt the film need to end at about two hours, maybe a little before that, but then you would miss all the awesomeness that the build of the EPIC movie had coming or they could have milked a second film out of it and made a ton more of money. Although they might not have had the same impact if they left a huge cliff hanger like that at the end of the film. Sure it worked for the Empire Strikes Back, but that was back in the day. I digress. I enjoyed watching Avatar. It had amazing special FX that I’ve never seen before. I was amazed at how real everything looked. The story was well written if you haven’t seen Fern Gully. I’m not joking; it’s a live action Fern Gully. So pretty much they just made a live action EPIC version of Fern Gully in space. I hope this doesn’t make you look down on me or the film, because I love Fern Gully. It’s the best complement I could give the film. Now they do depart from it a lot and make Avatar its own thing. It’s a great action film when the action happens too. It’s no Die Hard, but we can’t hold every movie to that standard. So if you’re only going to see one holiday movie this year go see Sherlock Holmes. I think it’s better than Avatar any day of the week.


  1. I'm so sorry we we're able to make it into the theatre. I can't believe the show was sold out. I felt so dumb all night. We'll have to get together soon and have Suzanne & dean come along. It feels like we haven't hung out in forever.

  2. I know. It feels like forever since we've hung out. I think you would have liked the movie. It had really cool special fx.

  3. How funny, on the way home from the theater we decided it was a sooped up fern gully, very good one, but one and the same!
