Thursday, January 21, 2010

the fear is rational

Lately my wife and I been watching a new TV show on DVD called Fringe. This show is crazy, it’s like a new X-Files, but cooler; mainly because it’s not about aliens, but about humans and the science that should be impossible. One episode has this freaky intro; well almost all of them have freaky intros. This intro called to one of my more irrational fears, the fear of butterflies. I hate butterflies; I’ve always hated those winged freaks. They are one of the scariest looking bugs out there, they are not beautiful. Well in the beginning of the episode a random character was killed by butterflies. Proving that butterflies are evil and will try to kill us all someday.


  1. We LOVE LOVE LOVE that show here. Admittedly, after the older kids saw that episode they didn't watch for a while. I just watched it again and Mac's eyes were glued to the computer. AWESOME!

  2. that episode was so less creepy and gross than like all but one or two before it. The opener was the best so far.
