Saturday, January 9, 2010

jolly roger

My home is no longer a safe harbor for people. We are sailing the Jolly Roger! Well not sailing it as much as having it as a doormat. It’s the cow’s meow. I guess it’s still safe to come to our house, but we are pirates now, so be warned. I looked up the Jolly Roger on wiki and found out ours is not the most common one out there. It wasn’t flown Black Beard. Our Jolly Roger was flown by Richard Worley. He was one of the first to fly the skull and cross bones. Now the McLeans are walking on his flag to clean our feet. This could turn out bad if you believe in ghost. No one wants a pirate to come back and haunt them. Insert scary noise like thunder. I guess that’s a risk Allison and I will have to take.