Sunday, March 7, 2010

one week in

My first official week at my new job is done. I’ve been there for four weeks now, but the first three were all training, really boring training too. I never thought we’d actually open the doors for business. This last week was interesting, we had my normal manager and then three more managers helping us on our first week open. We also had two clients watching over us as we processed our inventory. Now we only have seven employees in my area where everyone was. On top of that we only have about four employees working at a time. So we had a manager for each employee. Each one was telling us different things. This first week of business was a crazy one. At the end of the week I was suckered into closing so my co-worker could do something with his fiancée. At close I counted down the inventory and came up short by a lot. Enough to put everyone in a fuss. After two hours of searching we couldn’t find it anywhere, so we called it a night. We called a couple of our carriers to see if we might have shipped out extra inventory to them. Luckily after a couple of hours one of our carriers called us back to inform us they did indeed have our missing inventory. What a week. The rest of the week sailed smoothly except for that last night. Tomorrow begins week two. What adventures await me? Only extra two managers to keep me in line.


  1. So what exactly is your job? Sounds like an interesting week. It'll get better after you all get the hang of it and a few managers leave!

  2. So you give out the lollipops? I hate it when i come up short on lollipops too!

  3. What kind of teller than? I didn't know there was any other kind!
