Saturday, November 21, 2009

retro mike

It’s Saturday morning and I can’t help but think of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I loved that show growing up as a kid. I would not recommend watching the 80’s cartoon today. It is horrible, even for my standards. I can’t believe my parents didn’t go crazy just listening to it. Still twenty years later I still love those little green guys. This year is their 25th anniversary; a huge milestone for any independent comic book. To honor the cartoon shows that have been aired they made a special Turtles Forever movie. It was on the CW this morning and it was excellent. It was awesome if you love the turtles and watched both cartoon shows, which of course I did. Turtle Power!

The show made me think about who I am. Lately I’ve been studying different communication topics in school; one of them is the effect of television on kids. The books say that television is horrible for kids. That the television sets take away all creativity from them. That goes against everything I hold to be true. The television was my best friend as a kid. I loved G.I. Joe and Ninja Turtles so much. If anything those shows gave me an over excited imagination. If you look at what I do with my spare time and even school time that should be evident. I draw comics and come up with crazy idea of thinking all the time. By the reasoning of the readings I’ve been doing things I should not be able to do. Any of the creative thinking I do should be impossible. I should be a mindless drone who is happy just watching other people live their lives. The way television work is the fact that we are able to view other people and not have any consequences. They want you to believe that you’re a peeping tom. You’re not. I know I’m not. I’m Michael McLean! and I love television. Someday I hope to make my own television show. I don’t know what it’ll be, but you know it’ll be awesome.

What I’m trying to say is that television is not bad for kids. Now if you let them watch six or seven hours a day maybe that might be, but who really has that much time? I don’t even come close to that. It might have something to do with the fact that I love make comics, movies, and greeting cards. Oh yes I’m currently working on all three. You should check out my kick-butt ed the business warrior comic. It’s off the hook. It’s kind of like I want to do all these things because I see all these awesome things on television that I would want to do that too. It’s my personal muse. I think I’ve made a point. Let your kids watch cartoons, especially the ones from the eighties. They’re the best. Go JOE!!!

1 comment:

  1. We dvr'd the Turtles so Craig could watch it later. He loves them too!
