Tuesday, October 25, 2011

growing up

It seems that all my life my teachers and counselors have told me to follow my dreams. That I need to find what I love and do that. I know what I love, comics. I really love the X-Men. I remember being about ten years old when I discovered the X-Men. Fox had a great cartoon for them. A cartoon I based all my X-Men knowledge on for years and got a lot of things right about the X-Men cannon. Then my first comic book ever was the X-Men Volume 2 Issue 5. I got it as a present. It was a sweet comic. Wolverine fought Omega Red. Since that time I've been a big X-Men fan. I might not always collect the comics, there are like ten to twenty a month to buy, but I keep track of what's going on.

Here's my problem. Since I was about ten I've wanted to be an X-Man. That has been one of my big problems. I figured I'd eventually get mutant powers. Something really cool like I could stop time and live between the moments of time. Maybe I could travel in time or fly. I also could end up with a lame power like talking to fish or being able to jump twenty feet in the air. I just figured by now I'd have power. The problem is I'm now 29 and don't have a mutant power. According to X-Men lore the power manifest themselves at puberty which I had quite awhile ago.

I feel like I should give up on my dream. I'm getting a bit old now. I'm married. I have a family I need to look out for. The X-Men don't seem to worry to much about having families. Most of the kids end up being sent to the future to be raised. I just hate to think that I could never be an X-Man. I don't really want to grow up. I love being a kid and just doing kid things. Sure I finished college. I work a regular job, but that doesn't mean I have to give up the dream, or does it?


  1. You don't have to have a mutant power in order to have superpowers. Never give up on your dream. You might need to alter it, but never give up on it. I always wanted to be a princess. Now I'm surrounded by boys, so I guess I got my dream.

  2. Don't ever give up on your dreams. They may change with time as you get older, but they are still your dreams. Find ways to accomplish them in our day.
