Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mono for a Year

"I once thought I had mono for an entire year. It turned out I was just really bored." - Wayne Campbell

I'm a little bored with my life right now. It's my own fault. I can't motivate myself to do anything really awesome right now. Last year at this time I was drawing comic and working on paintings. I was doing both of these things until a few months ago and then I just stopped. I don't have any great ideas for new comics. Well that's not true. I've got a couple ideas for ED the Business Warrior, but I want to do more than just ED. One thing I want to do is draw a Mormon comic. I've been feeling like this is something I should do for awhile. I've been dabbling with it in my daily sketches. I've done a few Mormon:Facts, but I want to do a story. Then the question is what do I write/draw about? I do not want to do a pioneer story. I think there's to much of that in church literature already, plus I want to appeal to more than just Utah Mormons. I would like to do a story with Mormon characters more than a story about the Mormon faith. That still leaves a huge hole of what do I want to do. I have to really be passionate about it too. If I'm not, I won't finish it. That happens to all my comics I start that are longer than five or six pages. The only comic that has had any story lines over that many pages is ED. It's strange to say this, but ED is my most accomplished comic I've ever drawn. Although I believe my Political Fridays comic is my most viewed comic I've ever done. Being able to see stats are awesome. I just need to find something that will motivate me. Once I'm motivated I should be out of my funk. If it's drawing a Mormon comic that would be cool. If it something else that would be good too.


  1. I know the feeling. Just getting started on a new book is a major effort, but once I get in the flow I usually do pretty well. Keep trying and it will come to you.

  2. Do something that's close to you, like Mormon kid in Indiana, or somewhere similar and how he deals with life. Maybe a teenager or college age kid in an area where there aren't a lot of Mormons. That's something we can all relate to and would find interesting and fun.
