Monday, November 21, 2011


The return of peak is at UPS. This morning we started our early morning start time. We showed up at three am instead of four am. This might sound bad, but its not horrible. Some people call this month hell month. I can understand why. On top of working early they encourage us to sign up for a second program, the Driver Helper program. This program is what I was originally hired to do last November. the driver helper program is also called jumping, but they discourage people calling it that. The main reason for that is they don't want people jumping in and out of the trucks. This leads to injuries and UPS hates injuries. Injuries hurt profits and they don't like that.

This jumper season I decided to sit it out. Last year I last about three weeks before I hurt myself to the point that I couldn't walk. My knees are already sore right now from working for the past year. I figure working five to six hours every morning will be enough work for me. If you don't hear from me for awhile I just want you to know I'm either laying in bed trying to get some sleep or laying in the tub trying to soak my sore muscles. Which I'll need both. I hope everyone has a great peak season! I know I'll be trying to make the most of mine.


  1. Mike, maybe ice on the knees will help or a combination of heat then ice. We'll be spending part of that peak season helping Sally with the kiddos. Plus I might get to hold the new baby a little. But, I'm thinking I'll do some puzzles, some legos, some coloring and reading to grandchildren. You just make it through the season without hurting yourself!

  2. Be careful on your knees! Knee trouble is awful! I am icing my knee everyday and it's been helping. I would say ice it after work for 20 minutes everyday. Have a good peak season!
