Tuesday, November 1, 2011

new Mormon art

I was watching the new I'm a Mormon videos online today. They had some very interesting people on the site that were famous. People I'd actually heard of that were Mormon. When these ads first started I didn't pay them much attention. I figured they would be boring like most LDS ads have been for years. During my views I found two new artist that I liked. The first was Rose Datoc Dall. Her blog is http://rosedatocdall.blogspot.com/ and http://www.rosedatocdallfineart.com/.

After watching her video I had to go look at her paintings. These are probably the first Religious themed paintings I've liked in a really long time. Rose's style is beautiful. My favorite painting that I've seen so far of her's, is Eve's Creation. This painting is beautiful. The way the shadows and lights play with each other. I just think the style that Rose paints in is amazing. This is the kind of art I want the church to get behind. It's new and different than what the church has been pimping for the last decade. I think it's time for a change.

The second artist I found was Cassandra Barney. You can find her blog at http://churningsandburnings.blogspot.com/ and her art can be found at http://www.cassandrabarney.com. Her style is different and just as amazing. I can't give justice to the art work she does. You need to go and look at it yourself.

These artist are amazing. The very different styles they bring to world is important. Looking at the I'm a Mormon ads in a different light now. These ads are not just to introduce people to the Mormon faith, but to help the Mormon community. We are such a large community that it's hard to find each other sometimes. These ads can help spotlight different individuals and show Mormons a different way of viewing the world in our own little corner of it. I plan to continue to watch these different ads and learn more about my people and hopefully find some more great artist.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy how you open our minds to new ideas and new people.
