Monday, May 16, 2011

woke up

I had a a feeling this morning that at 2:30 that today was going to be a really good day. By eight am it turned into one of my worst mornings ever. On the plus side there only one way to go, up. So today I post a memorial to my stolen bike. Yes, it was stolen today. I got home from a horrible day at work to find it missing from the bike rack. I guess my lock wasn't good enough.


Here's a comic of me riding my bike to school and work. I use to ride it all the time in Boise. It was my main mode of transit for awhile. I would ride it on the green belt just to get away from all my problems. I did not have the chance to ride my bike this year. All the rain made me not want to go out and now I'll never ride my bike again. Click on the comic to read it.

lostgun136 Frozen 1

R.I.P. - the Kord (yes my bike had a name and it was Kord.)


  1. I'm sorry your bike was stolen!

  2. That stinks!! Try to think about it this way... hopefully who ever took it needed it more then you!

    But it still sucks!!

  3. What a bummer! That really stinks Mike! Crappy day indeed!

  4. I totally don't think that who ever stole it needs it more then you do. Not only does that suck your bike was stolen but that photo has snow in it, that super duper sucks. Did you file a police report? You never know.

  5. That really sucks. Do file a police report. It is amazing how many they have that never get claimed.

  6. Wow! That sucks! I hope the cops find it and arrest the thief. In the meantime keep a look out on craigslist or something similar. People sometimes sell theirs cheap when they're sick of them.

  7. Or keep a look out on Craig's list for YOUR bike from someone wanting to to make a quick dollar!
