Monday, December 5, 2011

dork driving to work

I feel like a real dork when I drive to and from work. It's starting to get pretty cold in the morning, but my job blasts the heat and I work right next to the heater. Because of this I have to wear shorts just not to over heat. If I was any where else in the warehouse I would be okay in pants. When I drive to work I wear the dorkiest outfit. I have my winter hat and biking gloves on. An old thin hoodie and shorts. Plus high socks so the fabric on my boots don't give my ankles a rash. It's kind of cold the first five minutes in the car ride, but after that it's okay. I still feel like a dork. Luckily no one ever sees me. I drive to work at like two am.


  1. You don't look like a dork! You look like you work!

  2. Pretty awesome uniform. You should make a poster and make it the new "packer" uniform.
