Saturday, June 4, 2011

grab that arch

Touch that Arch

Allison and I went to St. Louis a couple months ago. It was a lot of fun. The arch was pretty awesome. The only bad part was at the top. I got a little sea sick after I realized how much it was wobbling at the top. Even with my fear of heights the thing that did me in was the swaying. It was a ton of fun.

I also love this picture. Me grabbing the gate way to the west. I still miss the west at times. It holds my entire family. No one left east of the Mississippi but me and Allison. A little crazy to think that. I love it here in the Midwest or east of the Mississippi. Plus Allison and I have so many great adventures together. Everything was so far away in Boise. Salt Lake was six hours and that was the closest big city to us. Here Indianapolis is an hour away. Cincinnati is a little over two hours away. St. Louis and Chicago are about five hours away. Louisville is two hours. So many different place to go and see. We're so lucky.

Oh the Arch


  1. great pictures. It looks like the earth is falling off to the back of the arch, and is taped off so no one can fall off the earth. Mike SAVE us from falling into the ocean. No, you are just saving yourself and Allison and the Great Arch.

  2. I miss the mid-west so much. I can't wait to come out this summer.
