I don't understand summer colds. You get colds in the winter because you stay inside with a bunch of people. In the summer you don't stay in as much so you're not suppose to get colds, yet every summer I get a cold. Sometimes they're quick and easy, other times they lay me out for days on end. This cold I've got this year I have been fighting for about a week or two. I'll get a little sick and then I'll get better. Some sneezing a little runny noise. I've been getting these symptoms at work, no big deal. I thought they might just be allergies. If they're allergies no biggie, I can live with a little sneezing and running noise at four am.
Today I woke up with a full blown cold though. I could feel my being all stuffy and my head was pounding, but I must go into work. I'm not very bright sometimes; I think that I need to go into work everyday. It doesn't matter if I feel like crap or not, at four am I always feel like crap. I did my job today, but I felt miserable the whole time. When I finally got home I took the last of our left over cold medicine. I don't think it's working. My noise is still going and I still have pressure in my head. A little later I took an allergy pill just to be on the safe side. No effect either. This is not looking good for me.
Why do we get summer colds? Is it because we go from such hot weather outside to freezing weather inside buildings? That might be the case, but my work is not air conditioned. We open all the bay doors and hope for a good breeze in the summer. My house isn't that cool. We keep the air at 76 degrees. Most days we leave the windows open till the house is in the 80's. My body is just weird. I get sick at the weirdest times, for example I get the flu usually in March or April after everyone else I know has had it in the early winter. I might just be stubborn. My body must be infected but battles much longer than it should so I get my sicknesses much later than everyone else. That's a reasonable answer.