Monday, August 9, 2010

bring in the office

I assume most people know that I an odd person. I love offices. I've always thought they were a fascinating place. I wonder what it happening in all these different offices. This intrigue is almost as large as my love of spaceships. I've always enjoyed offices, but in recent years I've found new ways to love them. The first would be the show The Office. I love this show. I love watching crazy people working in an office. Yet, I feel this show is more real than any other TV show. The main reason is the fact that it all takes place in an office. You really never have time to hang out with your friends like in all the other shows on TV. Like Friends, they just meet in the middle of the day to hang out all the time. That's so not real. Okay the office is not real either, but it builds on stereotypes that you would find in an office environment.

The second fetish I have with offices is my comic, Ed the business Warrior. I love that comic. I've been working on it for five years now. It hasn't been a straight everyday or even every months in the past. Ed is a character I keep coming back too. He's a big guy smashing computers. I know it's very Office Space with how they destroy the printer, but I've developed it so much further than that. I've started to build new characters for Ed to interact with. The comic is growing to be more than just Ed smashing things to a developed character.

The last thing that I'm embracing for my office nerd is the game Office Hero on my ipod touch. It's so fun. You just go around doing boring tasks to build up your character so they can do awesomer tasks. It's easily one of my new favorite games. It's just like every other flash game, but this one is awesome because it's in an office.

I'm an office nerd. I'm so an office nerd that I'm even trying to get a job in an office as an administrative assistant. Than I can answer phones and file papers all day. It'll be like I've got a real job, well it will be. I might even wear a tie to work everyday! I know my tie collection finally going to good use. I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Love the office as a "human lab" idea. Good luck with the jib hunt.
