This early to bed and early to rise stuff is not all it's cracked up to be. I've been a night owl for as long as I can remember. Even in high school with early morning seminary I would stay up till midnight or later. When I was in college eleven was the earliest I would go to bed. I did all my homework after ten. I just functioned better later at night. I can actually form words and thoughts. Now, I go to bed at seven and get up at two something, just depends on when the start time is at work. I go in and move like a zombie for four to five hours. It's like Shawn of the Dead at my work. The end scene where they put the living dead to work. Everyone kind of just grunts and moans but really never says anything to each other. It's so boring and the entire time you are trying to figure out why you are there. By the time you finally figure out what you're doing it's quiting time. All the packages are in the cars and you get to go home. That is the one plus side. You go home and it's breakfast time. I love breakfast so that's a plus. You also have the whole day to just goof off, which is awesome. Like today I just sat around, watched Hulu and drew comics. It was a pretty awesome day after work. I just hate going to bed before prime time television. If I can I love to watch TV live and the only show I see live anymore is the local morning news program, which is hilarious. They are always doing something zany on that channel, either by accident or on purpose. The best is when they accidentally mess up. It just makes me laugh. So yeah, early morning sort of okay, but I miss prime time television and staying up late.
Here's my comic for today too: