Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Space Shuttle

birthday 3 by MichaelMcLean
birthday 3, a photo by MichaelMcLean on Flickr.

I finally got my space shuttle! No more earth time for me! If you need me I'll be in space suckers!


  1. I love all the pictures you are putting up! So fun :)

  2. You are in space huh. In a few days we (the US) have a real space shuttle going up into space. It is the last. You will have to take over for the government.

  3. For some reason I thought the last space shuttle launch happened a couple months ago in February. I feel really lacking in my space knowledge all of a sudden.

  4. Now's the time to catch up on all that forgotten space knowledge.

  5. So is that an Easter present? You can get a Lego Death Star kit for around $400. So wish it was cheaper because I'd love to buy it.

  6. Easter? I don't believe in Easter presents. That's a good old fashion birthday present.
